Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Due to deep submicron technologies we can put more logic in hardware now. This has many implications at silicon level. But at architecture level we have one issue of synchronization. Since we have different applications running on same chip they run at different frequencies and it leads to synchronization issues. We use different techniques to synchronize between different frequency domains. If we dont synchronize then there is a probability based on sender/receiver freq, flip flop characteristics, signal freq etc which can cause metastability in signal at receiver side and may cause wrong signal to be captured... then depending upon how critical that value was our chip may malfunction.

Simlarly in our life (as chip) also we have different frequency domains like work life, friend's life, family life, personal life.. If we dont synchronize between these domains while sending one observation from one domain to other then it may cause damage. We should keep some synchronizers which converts whatever we think in our work life , to our personal life domain at personal domain frequency. if we dont do it then it may cause sometimes metastability in life and sometimes if not interpret corrected in persoanl life by other personal members then can cause damage.

Good part is though in both life and chip there is a high cost for rectifying synchronization issue, but there is always a way to rectify it and it is not impossible to do it.. You loose something but after all it is life/chip...
Also, as in chip we should find synchronization issues at architecture level only. Same way in life we should try to see it at early stages.. More late we react, it costs more.


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