CHIP : As Chips are becoming smaller and smaller interconnects (wires) between two transistors are also coming closer and closer. For example in a city if there are too many buildings then distance between two roads becomes smaller and smaller due to lack of space.
Now, when voltage changes on one wire it affects other wire's (adjacent to it) voltage. This is called crosstalk. Crosstalk causes timing violation in timing or functional problems.
Precautions are made by keeping seperators between two wires or by keeping two wires far away which are changing too much with respect to each other.
LIFE: In life two persons are like interconnects(wires). Today's life is too much complex that there are many people whose life comes closer and closer to each other. If it comes too close then happenings in Person A's life will affect person B's life. In life also it is good if we keep two contradictory people far away from each other, otherwise it will lead to some conflicts in life. It is better to have some person who can act like a bridge between two. Or best will be to keep them away.
Note: I am only correlating and not explaining.
Now, when voltage changes on one wire it affects other wire's (adjacent to it) voltage. This is called crosstalk. Crosstalk causes timing violation in timing or functional problems.
Precautions are made by keeping seperators between two wires or by keeping two wires far away which are changing too much with respect to each other.
LIFE: In life two persons are like interconnects(wires). Today's life is too much complex that there are many people whose life comes closer and closer to each other. If it comes too close then happenings in Person A's life will affect person B's life. In life also it is good if we keep two contradictory people far away from each other, otherwise it will lead to some conflicts in life. It is better to have some person who can act like a bridge between two. Or best will be to keep them away.
Note: I am only correlating and not explaining.