Tuesday, October 06, 2009


CHIP: In our chip design, we integrate different IPs or blocks like adders, multipliers, Processor, Bluetooth etc. Connect them with each other through wires and create chip A. This is normally done by chip designer. Performance of this chip A then depends on what components are used on chip and how they are connected with each other. This complete chip then talks with some other chip and there might be thousands of chips to make one complex system. It is then very difficult and complex for system engineers to keep complete system running and creates one product.

LIFE: In our life if we consider our family as one chip and Father , Mother and children as their components then we can consider Nature acts as chip designer who has integrated all family member into one family. Each family member is connected through different type of wires and same way has created many families. Nature again acts as system engineer and then integrate all these families into one community, all community into one region and then so on creates complete World as one product. As a contrast to chip designer and system designer, it is obvious to mention that Nature is very excellent designer and has created very complex design - World.


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